The relationship between the United States and Somalia has improved since President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud returned

May 26, 2022

According to US military and intelligence officials, the US has been collaborating with Somali forces to constrain al-Shabab, al-Qaeda's most…

Zimbabwe hosts a conference to promote elephant ivory sales

May 25, 2022

Zimbabwe has convened an international conference in the hopes of gaining worldwide backing for its campaign to sell its seized…

Congo is accused of shelling Rwanda

May 25, 2022

Rwanda stated that the military of the neighbouring Democratic Republic of Congo, also known as Congo, shelled its territory, injuring…

Massive crackdown on activists and journalists by Ethiopian security forces

May 24, 2022

In a massive crackdown operation carried out across the country, the Ethiopian security forces have arrested more than 4500 people,…

The people of Senegal react to the French Education Minister’s nomination

May 23, 2022

A significant number of people in Senegal have only recently become familiar with Pap Ndiaye, the new Education, Youth, and…

With Hassan Sheikh Mohamud’s return to power, Somalia is beginning to have hope for a return to normalcy in its relationship with the world.

May 23, 2022

According to a statement from Villa Somalia on Saturday, Somalia's new president, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, will officially take office today.…

Mali’s foreign ministry in Moscow confirms partner changes

May 21, 2022

Abdoulaye Diop, Mali's foreign minister, met with Sergei Lavrov, Russia's foreign minister, in Moscow, shedding light on France's role in…

Egypt Chalks Out Self Sufficiency Climate Change Road Map Towards 2050

May 20, 2022

Egypt is gaining strength, becoming self-sufficient. After starting to grow its own wheat, it has now moved towards a new…

Niger’s president said Mali’s pullout ends the G5 Sahel alliance

May 19, 2022

According to statements made by the President of Niger, the dissolution of the G5 Sahel, a multinational force that was…

7 Legal Process of Buying Land in Kenya

May 18, 2022

If you decide to buy a home or land in Kenya, there are a number of steps you must take…

Sudan’s civil resistance has a new face: The Spiderman of Sudan

May 18, 2022

The new documentary by The Guardian, titled “The Spiderman of Sudan” is the new symbol of civil resistance that began…

The restoration of Somalia’s relations with President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud of Somalia

May 18, 2022

After the upheaval caused by the government led by Farmaajo, Somalia elected a new leader who has the potential to…

Polio outbreak in Mozambique

May 18, 2022

A child has been paralyzed in Mozambique’s northeastern Tete province. And the health authorities have confirmed it to be due…

Odinga picks Martha Karua as his running mate in Kenya’s presidential election

May 17, 2022

Raila Odiga, a presidential candidate for the Azimio Laumoja party in Kenya, made the announcement on Monday that he had…

Somalia has a new President, elected by only MPs

May 16, 2022

Returning to the role that he had held during 2012 to 2017, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud has been elected as Somalia’s…

Mali Junta Willing To Give Up Jihadist Association For Presidency

May 16, 2022

Presidency comes at a cost; something that Mali’s junta has experienced as they have now decided to give up association…

The Modeling Industry Has Been Rocked By these Egyptian Beauties 2024

May 15, 2022

Over the last five years, the Egyptian modelling industry has continued to grow. Without a doubt, social media has played…

Uganda’s PearlAfricaSat-1 satellite will launch from Uganda to the International Space Station in August

May 13, 2022

Uganda has finished the development of its first satellite, bringing the country's space and technological ambitions closer to reality. In…

As part of the UN operation in Mali, Germany will boost its military deployment

May 12, 2022

A spokeswoman for the German government declared on Wednesday that Germany is prepared to increase its military presence in Mali…

Sankara assassination defendants in Burkina Faso have been forced to pay damages of US $1.3 million

May 11, 2022

On Tuesday, former Burkina Faso President Blaise Compaoré and nine others were found guilty and ordered to pay more than…

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