
IED attack kills three Chadian peacekeepers in Mali

The United Nations said three peacekeepers from Chad were killed and four others seriously injured Sunday in attacks against a…

May 11, 2020

Attacks on aid workers spike in C.African Republic

A UN humanitarian affairs body in the Central African Republic has condemned increasing attacks on civilians and humanitarian organizations in…

May 10, 2020

Bomb Attack Causes multiple Casualties Among Troops from Egypt

An explosion hit a military armored convoy in the Sinai Peninsula Thursday, causing at least 10 casualties among soldiers who…

May 1, 2020

DR Congo: 12 Rangers Among 17 Killed in Attack in Virunga Park

At least 17 people, including 12 rangers were killed Friday in an attack in Virunga National Park, a UNESCO World…

April 25, 2020

Presidency replies Soyinka for attacking Buhari

The presidency has replied Nobel laureate, Prof. Wole Soyinka over his comment that the declaration of total lockdown in Lagos…

April 2, 2020

Al-Shabaab attack in Mogadishu claims two lives

A Somali police officer says a suicide bomber has walked into a tea shop in Somalia’s capital and detonated, killing…

March 26, 2020

Turkish servicemen killed in Libya’s Mitiga Airport attack-LNA

The Libyan National Army said it had killed Turkish servicemen stationed at Mitiga Airport in Tripoli, the Russia news website…

March 15, 2020

Deadly attack outside Anglophone area launch by separatist

Nine people have died over the weekend in western Cameroon in a bomb attack attributed to English-speaking separatists. The deceased…

March 9, 2020

Cameroon’s far north sees upsurge in armed attacks

There’s an upsurge in armed attacks in Cameroon’s far north region, security officers said. The village of Ouzal is the…

February 19, 2020

10 Somali Soldiers, 16 Militants Killed in Al-Shabab Attacks

At least 10 Somali government soldiers and 16 militants were killed Wednesday when Islamist group al-Shabab attacked two military bases…

February 19, 2020

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