
US sanctions Belarusian Minister Over Fraudulent ActivityUS sanctions Belarusian Minister Over Fraudulent Activity

US sanctions Belarusian Minister Over Fraudulent Activity

The United States of America has sactioned a Belarusian minister, the mister was sanctioned for his alleged involvement in a…

December 24, 2020
The World: Macron meets Belarusian opposition leaderThe World: Macron meets Belarusian opposition leader

The World: Macron meets Belarusian opposition leader

French President Emmanuel Macron on Tuesday met with Belarus' opposition leader in Lithuania during an respectable visit. Macron mentioned with…

September 30, 2020
The World: Lukashenko not legitimate leader of Belarus – USThe World: Lukashenko not legitimate leader of Belarus – US

The World: Lukashenko not legitimate leader of Belarus – US

The US introduced late Wednesday that it no longer considers Alexander Lukashenko the legit president of Belarus, hours after he…

September 24, 2020
The World: OSCE to consult with government in BelarusThe World: OSCE to consult with government in Belarus

The World: OSCE to consult with government in Belarus

Officials of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) are heading to Belarus’ capital to meet with the…

August 21, 2020