
The World: Donald Trump attributes Beirut explosion to a bomb attackThe World: Donald Trump attributes Beirut explosion to a bomb attack

The World: Donald Trump attributes Beirut explosion to a bomb attack

American President Donald Trump on Tuesday forged a massive explosion in Beirut as a feasible bomb attack. His announcement contradicted…

August 5, 2020
Bomb Attack Causes multiple Casualties Among Troops from EgyptBomb Attack Causes multiple Casualties Among Troops from Egypt

Bomb Attack Causes multiple Casualties Among Troops from Egypt

An explosion hit a military armored convoy in the Sinai Peninsula Thursday, causing at least 10 casualties among soldiers who…

May 1, 2020
Nigeria: Kano state government finally speaks on cause of ‘Mysterious Deaths’Nigeria: Kano state government finally speaks on cause of ‘Mysterious Deaths’

Nigeria: Kano state government finally speaks on cause of ‘Mysterious Deaths’

The Kano state government has stated that the recent spate of ‘mysterious’ deaths in the state was not caused by…

April 27, 2020