
Benin Restores Ouidah Slave Fort to Honour African AncestorsBenin Restores Ouidah Slave Fort to Honour African Ancestors

Benin Restores Ouidah Slave Fort to Honour African Ancestors

Historical Richness Benin, land of the former Kingdom of Dahomey, with its geographical fibres vibrating in cultural riches and history…

August 11, 2020
Lights up’: Somalia’s refurbished national theater reopens in MogadishuLights up’: Somalia’s refurbished national theater reopens in Mogadishu

Lights up’: Somalia’s refurbished national theater reopens in Mogadishu

Somalis can now boast a functional national theater after the facility located in the capital Mogadishu was formally reopened having…

June 27, 2020
Egypt prioritizes hygiene amid plans to welcome foreign touristsEgypt prioritizes hygiene amid plans to welcome foreign tourists

Egypt prioritizes hygiene amid plans to welcome foreign tourists

Egyptian Minister of Tourism and Antiquities says that the country is “laying the groundwork for tourists” to find the country…

June 19, 2020
Congolese music star Edouard Nganga dies at 87Congolese music star Edouard Nganga dies at 87

Congolese music star Edouard Nganga dies at 87

The republic of Congo is in mourning following the death of the patriarch of rumba and Congolese music, Edouard Nganga.…

June 10, 2020