Debt crisis

NEWS: 22 African Countries to Receive Emergency Aid from IMFNEWS: 22 African Countries to Receive Emergency Aid from IMF

NEWS: 22 African Countries to Receive Emergency Aid from IMF

The International Monetary Fund approved new emergency aid for 28 countries on Monday — 22 of which are African. Funds…

October 7, 2020
IMF debt relief for 19 African countriesIMF debt relief for 19 African countries

IMF debt relief for 19 African countries

Six months of debt relief has been granted to 25 countries considered the poorest in the world by the International…

April 17, 2020
Somalia’s giant economic strides, secures $1.4 bn debt cancellationSomalia’s giant economic strides, secures $1.4 bn debt cancellation

Somalia’s giant economic strides, secures $1.4 bn debt cancellation

The Paris Club of creditor countries have agreed to restructure Somalia’s external public debt with an immediate cancellation of 1.4…

April 2, 2020