
Rwandas economy is in steady decline During the Covid 19 Outbreak

Rwanda's economy is in the throes of a recession as the continent is currently in a state of crisis with…

March 17, 2021

Sudan: Protests Erupt over Economic crisis

Protests erupted in several parts of Sudan on Tuesday over rising food prices. Hundreds of thousands of people have gathered…

February 11, 2021

Education: Private School Sector Hit Massively By The Coronavirus In Ghana

Privates schools in Ghana has been hit massively and hard by the coronavirus pandemic in the country, this has resulted…

February 1, 2021

The World: German Economy Narrows By 5%

The economy of Germany has has reduced for the very first time since 2009, the economy was reduced by 5%.…

January 14, 2021

NEWS: President Buhari Finally Agrees On 2021 Budget

President Mohammadu Buhari of Nigeria has finally agreed to record the 2021 budget amidst the aftermath of the Coronavirus, the…

January 1, 2021

Business Wary, However Invites The Most Recent Covid-19 Limitations

The South African economy is slowly recovering from the impact of he Covid-19 pandemic, the recovery has been slow due…

December 17, 2020

Business: The Best Results By Emerging Markets

Now that Democrat Joe Biden has been declared winner of the presidential election in the US, all the financial protocols…

November 8, 2020

Business: Economic Recovery Strategy For Africa

Busisiness in Africa has been on downward trajectory ever since the inception of the coronavirus pandemic that has Killings thousands…

November 7, 2020

Business: Ramaphosa Guarantees Over 800,000 In South Africa

The government of South Africa has promised over 800,000 jobs in the nearest future due to the impact of the…

October 18, 2020

Tunisia’s Economic Crisis Amidst the Covid-19 Pandemic

An Economically Unforgiving Pandemic Tens of thousands of Tunisians have lost their jobs in a worsening economic crisis exacerbated by…

October 11, 2020

Nigeria: Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala in final race to become WTO boss

The World Trade Organization (WTO) said on Thursday South Korea's trade minister and a Harvard-trained former Nigerian finance minister were…

October 9, 2020

Influencing Africa’s informal economy for young people

By 2050, Africa will be domestic to 25 percentage of the world's workforce. And yet there is no guarantee that…

October 8, 2020

Politics: Angolans want president’s top aide fired for corruption

Dozens of Angolans marched on Saturday against alleged state corruption after Portuguese media accused the president's chief of staff of…

October 4, 2020

Breaking: Nigeria hikes petrol prices as COVID-19 bites budget

Petrol prices have risen in Nigeria after the oil-rich nation dumped a controversial petrol subsidy system in the face of…

September 15, 2020

Business: Economy Down by 51% in 2nd Quarter in South Africa

South Africa's economy, the most industrialised in Africa, collapsed by using 51% between April and June in light of the…

September 9, 2020

Nigeria is on the verge of bankruptcy

The Federal Government’s retained revenue, which is the authentic income realised earlier than its augments with borrowed and deficit financing…

August 17, 2020

NEWS: Economists warn of drastic steps needed to help Algeria recover its economy

Economists are warning that large scale intervention is needed to rescue the Algerian economy from accruing huge foreign debt, following…

August 9, 2020

Business: SA Telecom Giant MTN Exits Middle East set to Concentrate on Africa

Africa's largest cell operator, and South African telecom giant MTN, announced Thursday it would pull out of the Middle East…

August 7, 2020

Niger celebrates 60 years of independence

Niger, a former French colony, celebrates its sixtieth independence anniversary on Monday. France mainstains a sure diploma of impact in…

August 4, 2020

South Africa: Alcohol Ban Cost Economy More Than $892 In Taxes

Brewing and beverage business enterprise Distell said on Monday the alcohol industry had already lost 118,000 jobs. Whilst nearly 800…

August 4, 2020

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