Fahad Yasin

Fahad Yasin hosts Qatar’s deputy spy chief secretly, wants opposition denied coverage

A storm is brewing in Mogadishu which could put the Federal Government and the opposition at loggerheads and probable check…

October 3, 2020

Fahad Yasin and others receiving secret training in Qatar – report

Reliable sources have confirmed to KnowAfrika that the Government of Qatar has begun education Somalia’s National Intelligence and Security Agency…

October 2, 2020

Qatar’s deputy spy chief pays secret visit to Yasin

Reliable sources have instructed Somaliaffairs that the deputy director of Qatar’s intelligence agency, Abdallah Mohamed Mubarak Salah al-Khalifi, arrived in…

October 1, 2020

Somalia Must Save Itself from Yasin, Al-Shabaab and Qatar

Qatari have an effect on and Somalia President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo's over-reliance on Doha have reversed years of safety progress.…

September 30, 2020

Qatar’s financing Al-Shabaab through Fahad Yasin as a third party — Ex NISA Boss claims

Doha has for the first time been dragged into the murky Somalia politics, with a former top Mogadishu official accusing…

September 29, 2020

Qatar, Yasin, Al-Shabaab Hold Somalia in Linked Triangular Vise Grip

Qatar's ‘support' for Somali Spy organisation raises storm over links with Al-Shabaab Qatar has but once more been sucked into…

September 28, 2020

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