Scientists Set To Find HIV Vaccine Through The mRNA TechnologyScientists Set To Find HIV Vaccine Through The mRNA Technology

Scientists Set To Find HIV Vaccine Through The mRNA Technology

Scientist all over the world are looking at the mRNA technology to get a potential HIV vaccine. This technology is…

January 16, 2021
Uganda: Man, 48, arrested over infecting five minors with HIV /AidsUganda: Man, 48, arrested over infecting five minors with HIV /Aids

Uganda: Man, 48, arrested over infecting five minors with HIV /Aids

Police in Masaka District in central Uganda are holding a 48 -year -old man for allegedly defiling underage female who…

August 1, 2020
Avoid stigmatizing HIV patients-UAC chiefAvoid stigmatizing HIV patients-UAC chief

Avoid stigmatizing HIV patients-UAC chief

The Director-General of the Uganda Aids Commission has cautioned the public against stigmatizing people living with HIV/AIDs. Dr. Nelson Musoba…

March 5, 2020