Islamic State jihadist group

Breaking: Islamic State claims August killings of French aid workers in NigerBreaking: Islamic State claims August killings of French aid workers in Niger

Breaking: Islamic State claims August killings of French aid workers in Niger

The Islamic State group claimed the August killing of six French aid workers and their two local guides in Niger.…

September 18, 2020
Breaking: Morocco Warns of Growing Islamic State in African Sahel-Sahara RegionBreaking: Morocco Warns of Growing Islamic State in African Sahel-Sahara Region

Breaking: Morocco Warns of Growing Islamic State in African Sahel-Sahara Region

A cell of dangerous terrorists with allegiance to the Islamic State (IS) found with explosive belts, kilos of ammonium nitrate…

September 12, 2020
Morocco: pro-ISIS cell dismantled, four arrestedMorocco: pro-ISIS cell dismantled, four arrested

Morocco: pro-ISIS cell dismantled, four arrested

Morocco’s Interior Ministry announced Tuesday that four alleged members of a “terrorist cell” linked to the jihadist group Islamic State…

July 7, 2020