
Violent protests in Chad call for civilian rule

Violent protests against Junta began in Chad on Tuesday in the capital N'Djamena as protesters demanded the return of civilian…

April 27, 2021

NEWS: ECOWAS leaders set to meet with Mali junta on deadline day

Mali's junta must title a civilian meantime leader on Tuesday, as the army chiefs meet with West African leaders who…

September 15, 2020

Breaking: 18-month Transition for Malian NCSP Junta Coup Leaders

One and a Half Year Transition The National Committee for the Salvation of the People (NCSP) junta coup leaders have…

September 13, 2020

Mali Junta Launches ‘Consultation’ Amid Handover Pressure

Mali's military junta on Thursday launched a three-day "national consultation" with political parties, unions and NGOs, facing questions at home…

September 11, 2020

Mali ‘s leader in protest backs civilian ‘rare bird’ to lead the transition

Influential Mali cleric Imam Mahmoud Dicko urged the military junta on Wednesday to comply with demands from West African leaders…

September 10, 2020

NEWS: ECOWAS gives Mali’s military junta until Sept. 15 deadline to hand over power

The Authority of Heads of State and Government of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) has asked the…

September 8, 2020

Breaking: Mali’s junta starts talks on return to civilian rule

Mali's military junta began talks on its promised transition to civilian rule on Saturday after mounting pressure from neighbours since…

September 5, 2020

Mali: Junta NCSP Releases Former PM Boubou Cissé

Out of Detention The former Malian Prime Minister, Boubou Cissé, and President of the National Assembly, Moussa Timbine have been…

August 28, 2020

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