
Amid accusations, Russia vetoes a UN resolution to extend sanctions in Mali

Russia has used its veto power in the UN Security Council to thwart a request to prolong sanctions on Mali…

August 31, 2023

Title holders Morocco win CHAN after 2-0 win over Mali

Moroccan champions Atlas won the African Nations Championship (CHAN) for the second time in a row on Sunday with a…

February 14, 2021

Bodies Of Late Ivorian Peacekeepers Returns Home

The bodies of Ivorian peacekeeper murdered in Mali has finally returned home on Friday after the unfortunate incident. The incident…

January 23, 2021

CHAN 2021: Mali Draw Cameroon, Zimbabwe Knocked Out

The CHAN tournament is getting pretty interesting as Cameroon drew Mali in a highly entertaining match, the result sees Zimbabwe…

January 21, 2021

Mali: Tribute Ceremony for Murdered Ivorian Peacekeeper

There was a tribute for the fallen Ivorian heros in Mali, the ceremony was held in honour of the late…

January 20, 2021

Mali: Government Aurhorities Nullifies Report Over French Armed Forces Murdering Civilians

The Malian government has denied the report french armed forces killed civilian. The report stated that a French airstrike allegedly…

January 8, 2021

Breaking: Former Prime Minister Modibo Keïta Dies At 78

Former Prime Minister of Mali, Modibo Keïta has died on Saturday, Keïta died at the age of 78 and his…

January 2, 2021

NEWS: Malian Authorities Charges Boubou Cisse With ‘Attempted Coup’

The government authorities in Mali has charged six top government officials with an attempted coup in August 2020. This also…

January 2, 2021

Breaking: Government Set To Begin Investigation On Breach Of Security In Mali

Malian government has began investigation into the breach of state security, this is coming after the abduction six known Individuals.…

December 29, 2020

Mali: Soumaïla Cissé Passes Away From Covid-19

Prominent Malian opposition leader, Soumaïla Cissé has sadly died from Covid-19 on Friday, the late opposition leader died in France,…

December 26, 2020

Breaking: Malian armed force blamed for atrocities, outfitted gatherings carried out wrongdoings against humanity

The Malian armed forces in has been accused perpetrating war crimes in the country, they have also been accused by…

December 22, 2020

COVID-19: Mali Goes Into Second Lockdown

The government of Mali has declared a second coronavirus induced lockdown, this is coming amidst the sudden rise of coronavirus…

December 19, 2020

Activists, military feud over temporary parliamentary composition In Mali

There seems to be yet another political dispute in Mali, in the wake of a feud between an activist and…

November 20, 2020

NEWS: Amadou Toumani Toure Finally Laid To Rest In Mali

The citizens of Mali paid their last respect for late Ex-President, Amadou Toumani You're who was finally laid to rest…

November 18, 2020

Sory Bamba, Mali’s legend Musically

Sorry Bamba is indeed unsung music legend in Africa, he definitely didn't hit the height of his contemporaries across the…

November 16, 2020

Breaking: Amadou Toumani Touré Is Dead

Ex-President of Mali Amadou Toumani Touré, is dead. The former president died on Tuesday morning, the late Touré died in…

November 10, 2020

Mali’s Previous President Keita Returns To Mali After Treatment

Former president of Mali Ibrahim Boubacar Keita to Mali precisely Bamako in the early hours of Thursday. He supposedly had…

October 23, 2020

NEWS: 20 dies After Terrorist Attack in Mali

It was a sad day in Mali as more than 20 people have died in a suspected islamist attack in…

October 15, 2020

NEWS: ECOWAS Delighted With The Transitional Progess Of Mali

President Nana Akufo-Addo of Ghana arrived in Bamako on Sunday as he also serves as the head of the Economic…

October 12, 2020

Breaking: Soumaïla Cissé reunites with family in Mali

An elderly French aid worker and a top Malian politician landed in the capital Bamako to an emotional reunion with…

October 9, 2020

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