
Benin Restores Ouidah Slave Fort to Honour African AncestorsBenin Restores Ouidah Slave Fort to Honour African Ancestors

Benin Restores Ouidah Slave Fort to Honour African Ancestors

Historical Richness Benin, land of the former Kingdom of Dahomey, with its geographical fibres vibrating in cultural riches and history…

August 11, 2020
Ethiopia to restore toppled UK bust of Emperor Haile SelassieEthiopia to restore toppled UK bust of Emperor Haile Selassie

Ethiopia to restore toppled UK bust of Emperor Haile Selassie

The Ethiopian embassy in the United Kingdom will restore a bust of the country’s last emperor in a London park.…

July 12, 2020
Ethiopia restores internet to western Oromia after 3-month blackoutEthiopia restores internet to western Oromia after 3-month blackout

Ethiopia restores internet to western Oromia after 3-month blackout

As the coronavirus pandemic continues to spread across the world and particularly in Africa, the need for information has never…

March 31, 2020