taxes in africa

Kenya: Billions lost as medical kits gather dust in counties – reportKenya: Billions lost as medical kits gather dust in counties – report

Kenya: Billions lost as medical kits gather dust in counties – report

Billions shillings of taxpayer’ money is going down the drain in the controversial Sh63 billion leased medical equipment services (MES)…

June 19, 2020
Tanzanian politicians, citizens quarrel over tax on wigs and hair extensionsTanzanian politicians, citizens quarrel over tax on wigs and hair extensions

Tanzanian politicians, citizens quarrel over tax on wigs and hair extensions

A forthcoming tax on wigs and hair extensions is getting mixed reviews in Tanzania . As a fairly traditional country,…

June 14, 2019
How Jubilee’s spending spree has chained Kenyans to taxesHow Jubilee’s spending spree has chained Kenyans to taxes

How Jubilee’s spending spree has chained Kenyans to taxes

Jubilee administration’s ambitious spending has pushed Kenyans to a tight corner at a time when the country’s revenue has remained…

June 13, 2019