
Coronavirus-Zambia: Daily Update for COVID-19Coronavirus-Zambia: Daily Update for COVID-19

Coronavirus-Zambia: Daily Update for COVID-19

Zambia, August 9, 2020/KnowAfrika/ --  416 new validated cases; three deaths; 167 recoveries New cases mentioned from: 150 Lusaka, seventy…

August 9, 2020
South Africa: Western Cape schools ready to welcome pupils todaySouth Africa: Western Cape schools ready to welcome pupils today

South Africa: Western Cape schools ready to welcome pupils today

The Western Cape will open its doors to learners today contrary to Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga’s decision last night…

June 1, 2020
Sports: Kenya clubs head to Court today over cancelled seasonSports: Kenya clubs head to Court today over cancelled season

Sports: Kenya clubs head to Court today over cancelled season

Kenya Cup clubs will today go ahead with their quest to have the Judicial Committee reverse Kenya Rugby Union’s decision…

April 27, 2020
Coronavirus Lockdown: Naira Marley knows fate todayCoronavirus Lockdown: Naira Marley knows fate today

Coronavirus Lockdown: Naira Marley knows fate today

Popular Nigerian musician, Azeez Fashola, known as Naira Marley, will be arraigned before a court today for breaching the Lagos…

April 8, 2020