10 of the most stable countries in africa

10 of the most stable countries in Africa

The African continent is home to several countries that have successfully maintained political and economic stability. While external viewpoints often highlight the challenges faced by the continent, a more nuanced approach is needed to illuminate the success stories – countries that have excelled in maintaining order, fostering economic growth, and creating a secure environment for their citizens.

From the peaceful transfer of power to the flourishing of economies, these countries exemplify a continent on the path to a more stable and prosperous future.

In its 2023 Fragile States Index report, The Fund for Peace (FFP) identified the least fragile African countries in 2023.

The Fragile States Index assesses vulnerability across a range of scenarios, including pre-conflict, active conflict, and post-conflict contexts. It encompasses twelve conflict risk indicators. The indicators in question assess a state’s condition, taking into account a number of factors, including the state’s security apparatus, the extent of factionalised elites, the state’s economic decline, the uneven development of its economy, the phenomenon of human flight and brain drain, the legitimacy of the state in question, the state’s human rights and rule of law, the demographic pressures facing the state, the presence of refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs), and the extent of external intervention in the state’s affairs.

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For over six decades, the Fund for Peace (FFP) has been a global pioneer in the development of practical tools and methodologies for the reduction of conflict. The organisation has considerable experience of implementing programmes in over 40 countries, with a particular focus on conflict early warning, peacebuilding and sustainable development.

Below are the 10 most stable African countries in 2023, according to the Fund for Peace:

01. Mauritius with score of  38.0

02. Seychelles with score of  53.3

03. Botswana with score of  55.3

04. Cape Verde with score of  60.1

05. Namibia with score of  60.3

06. Ghana with score of  62.3

07. Gabon with score of  65.5

08. Tunisia   with score of  66.4

9 Morocco 68.2

10. São Tomé and Príncipe with score of  69.7