advancing antitrust regulation in africa

Advancing antitrust regulation in Africa

The panel, comprised of heads of antitrust agencies from various African countries, engaged in discussions surrounding crucial topics related to antitrust regulation. 

The challenge of regulating global digital monopolies, as well as the role of antitrust in safeguarding global food and human security were among the key issues that were addressed. Additionally, the panel focused on promoting equitable participation of all countries in the global economy and facilitating access to technology transfer tools. 

He emphasized that antitrust law emerged in times of uncertainty, playing a pivotal role in advancing economic systems in various regions.

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Throughout history, antitrust laws contributed to the development of post-war Europe, Russia during its transition to a market economy, China during the period of reform and opening up,South Africa after the fall of apartheid, and Brazil following the end of dictatorship. Today, faced with global uncertainties, the significance of antitrust law resurfaces. The modern dominance of global monopolies necessitates global antitrust initiatives, which can only be realized through interstate collaboration, represented by BRICS+, including the involvement of new members from African countries. Remarkably, significant progress has been achieved in harmonizing antitrust regulation through bilateral, regional, and international cooperation among 29 African states.