As Gambians vote in the presidential election, there are mixed views.

Gambia – In Saturday’s presidential election, Gambians are hoping for the better, with some celebrating the country’s current condition and others voicing unhappiness. One voter expressed it this way: “Because the Gambian people are suffering, I want this man [President Adama Barrow] to depart. It’s pricey; everything is pricey. ” Another voter told the AFP news agency that it is “my civil right to vote and then choose who will lead me for the next five years.”

Some have hailed the new president’s administration as being more transparent than the previous one. “In terms of freedom of expression, things have improved. Previously, this was not the case. However, the election will be conducted as usual at the time of the [prior] election, but the counting and subsequent events are always a concern. ” One voter believes so. The importance of voting cannot be overstated. It is vital to exercise your right to vote, since your vote is your voice. I implore all Gambian citizens to cast their ballots “as expressed by another voter.”

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Marbles were deposited in each candidate’s ballot box during voting, a method that reflects the tiny West African nation’s low literacy rate. President Barrow, 56, is up against five other candidates for re-election. In the run-up to the election, questions about Jammeh’s future involvement in politics, as well as his possible return from exile, have dominated the discussion. After being defeated in the polls by Adama Barrow, a relative unknown at the time, the ex-autocrat was forced into exile in Equatorial Guinea in January 2017.

The election will be closely watched as a test of The Gambia’s democratic transition after Jammeh seized power in 1994 in a bloodless coup and ruled for 22 years. President Barrow, 56, is running for re-election against five other candidates. As polls opened at 8 a.m. in the capital, Banjul, long lineups formed well before daylight (0800 GMT). In this country of almost two million inhabitants, many voters want to see their living conditions improve.

The Gambia is a 480-kilometer-long sliver of land surrounded by Senegal, and it is one of the poorest countries on the planet. Half the population, according to the World Bank, lives on less than $1.90 a day. The COVID-19 outbreak also wreaked damage on the tourism-dependent economy of the former British colony.


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