Cameroon: Gov’t blocks SDF Chairman Fru Ndi from entering Sonara

The Chairman of the Social Democratic Front Ni John Fru Ndi was on Thursday June 13 from accessing the National Oil Refinery, Sonara where part of the production unit was ravaged by fire.
The Chairman of the SDF who arrived Limbe on Thursday morning, headed to the office of the Senior Divisional Officer who was absent as the Chairman was informed he could not visit the refinery.
After embarking on his way to Sonara, Ni John Fru Ndi was reportedly stopped on his way by the Divisional Officer of Limbe II who reportedly told the Chairman that instructions from hierarchy prohibited him from accessing the area.
Sources say the Divisional Officer explained to the Chairman that government had already created a commission to investigate the cause of the fire thus it is now prohibited to access the area.
The Chairman is said to have been disappointed with the move saying it shows government has something to hide from the fire disaster. He revealed he had informed the Prime Minister Joseph Dion Ngute the previous day of his visit to Limbe.
Another visit to the Cameroon Development Corporation was unfruitful as the General Manager was absent with reports claiming he was in Yaounde on a mission.
Ni John Fru Ndi embarked on his trip which led him to Muyuka then to Kumba where he visited the Kumba District Hospital that was burnt down.