diplomatic standoff macron stands firm on niger coup rejection

Diplomatic Standoff: Macron Stands Firm on Niger Coup Rejection

The disparities between Niamey and Paris appear to be insurmountable. French President Emmanuel Macron doubled down on his government’s stance with regard to the juta while delivering a significant speech on foreign policy to ambassadors in Paris on Monday (the 28th of August).

Macron emphasized on Monday that France would not change its position in rejecting the coup and gave support to Mohamed Bazoum and ECOWAS. He made the remarks during a press conference.

“Our policy is the right one. Macron stated this while speaking to a gathering of French ambassadors in the nation’s capital. “It depends on the courage of President Mohamed Bazoum, the commitment of our diplomats, and our ambassador on the ground, who is remaining despite pressure,” Macron said.

In a letter sent to the French Ambassador to Niger, Sylvain Itte, on Friday (August 25), the Nigerien Ministry of Foreign Affairs accused him of rejecting an invitation for a meeting with the ministry and ordered him to leave Niger within the next 48 hours or face expulsion. In addition to this, the letter referred to “actions of the French government that are contrary to the interests of Niger.”

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On July 26, a military coup overthrew President Bazoum of Niger. In addition to France and the Economic Community of West African States, the United Nations has also joined the chorus of voices demanding that he be reinstated.

“We do not recognize the putschists, and we are committed to a president who has not resigned,” the statement read. “We support a president who has not resigned. And we support the diplomatic action and, should it be the case, the military action of ECOWAS within a partnership strategy, which is the one I articulated in February of last year, the head of state for France stated.

Since the military takeover, the CNSP, which is effectively in control of the country, has installed a new administration. On August 19, the leader of the coup, General Abdourahmane Tiani, stated that the CNSP will bring democratic governance back to Niger within the next three years as he proposed a national discussion.

Sanctions have been imposed on the country, and ECOWAS has also threatened to send in soldiers.On August 10, a spokesman for the French military announced that any cooperation with Niger in the areas of economic and financial assistance as well as military partnerships had been banned until further notice. This decision applies to all areas of cooperation.