funke akindele gets criticism on threads, for her fashionable approach

Funke Akindele Gets Criticism On Threads, For Her Fashionable Approach

Nollywood actress Funke Akindele recently found herself in the midst of online controversy, this time on Mark Zuckerberg’s newly launched social app, Threads. 

The talented film star posted about her love for fashion, specifically showcasing her clothing and footwear choices. However, her post received a negative response from users on the app.

According to reports, Threads has already garnered over 10 million followers, and Funke Akindele decided to join the growing list of celebrities on the platform. 

Unfortunately for her, the reaction to her post was not what she expected. Some users criticized her for discussing her love for shoes, stating that Threads was meant for more meaningful conversations.

One netizen advised her not to focus on her love of shoes, commenting that the app was meant for discussions rather than personal preferences. 

Another fan mockingly responded, highlighting that they would still follow her despite her fashion-related posts.

In response to the backlash, Funke Akindele defended herself by asserting her right to post whatever she wanted on the app, emphasizing that it was her own space.

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Netizens took notice of the incident and drew parallels to the drama often witnessed on Twitter, expressing their disappointment at how the actress was being dragged into a heated discussion on the Threads app. 

Some users even suggested that Twitter users had migrated to Threads and called for their banishment.

While the app was initially expected to offer a peaceful environment, it seems that controversies have already emerged, with users expressing their discontent and predicting an influx of Twitter-like behavior on Threads.

Apart from this Threads incident, Funke Akindele had also shared a video recently showcasing her aspirations for a lavish lifestyle. The video attracted huge attention and went viral.

Several Funke Akindele’s colleagues had reacted to the video and suggested to her that she could strive to achieve at least one of her dreams. Either she should own a mansion or a private jet.