google brings pixel's game dashboard to chromebooks, what's next

Google Brings Pixel’s Game Dashboard To Chromebooks, What’s Next?

Google is integrating its Chromebooks with a new gaming feature called “Game Dashboard.” This feature actually belongs to Google’s Pixel Phone, and now it’s available in Chromebooks as well.

Game Dashboard

Game Dashboard is a handy tool for PC gamers. It can popup on your Chromebook, while using other tools simultaneously. 

It also offers you some good alternatives such as you can take screenshots and remap keys for games. You can have a toolbar on the left side of the screen while you play games.

However the Chromebook version of the Game Dashboard isn’t that good as compared to Pixel phones. It may upgrade in the near future, but currently it lacks a few good features. 

For example, you can’t record and share the gameplay and you can’t check FPS (frames per second). You are also not allowed to activate Do Not Disturb Mode.

These features are already available for the Pixel Phone users, but Chromebooks users are going to miss these features.

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Improvements & Upgrades

This is reportedly said that Google is working on improving the Game Dashboard so that Chromebook can also match the Pixel Phone experiences. There is no official announcement about these upgrades. So currently we don’t know when it’ll be available on Chromebook devices.

However, a few of the gaming industry experts are appreciating Google’s ‘Game Dashboard’ feature as they can see that Google is trying to make gaming on Chromebooks more enjoyable.

Google had already introduced the features like keyboard controls for Android games on Chromebooks. Thus they are expecting that this new feature will also get more and better upgrades soon.

What’s Next?

Google is consistently leveling up its gaming aroma on Pixel phones as well as Chromebooks. Google has already introduced keyboard controls for Android games, now they have also launched Game Dashboard

Thus we can expect that we might see more gaming-friendly upgrades. Google is known for its consistent user-friendly upgrades, thus the company will definitely attempt to make smoother gameplay.

They are likely to add the missing features such as ability to record and share, a ‘do not disturb’ function as gamers don’t like to be interrupted in the middle of their gaming sessions. Stay tuned with us, we will update you if Google brings some more upgrades into these!