Following elections in which the party that had ruled the diamond-rich nation for almost 60years suffered a historic setback. Botswana’s new president took office on Friday in asmooth handover of power.Three days after the Botswana Democratic Party (BDP) was ousted from power in theelections, a 54-year-old human rights attorney Duma Boko was sworn in during aconfidential session at the chief justice’s office.Later at a press conference and acceptance speech that was live-streamed on statetelevision, Boko discussed some of his campaign promises including implementing universalhealth insurance and more than doubling the minimum salary to 4,000 pula ($300).Following overnight results from Wednesday’s general election which revealed that his partywhich has been in power since independence from Britain in 1966 would not secure enoughseats in parliament to form a government. The outgoing President Mokgweetsi Masisiannounced his defeat earlier in the day.The smooth transfer was hailed by Boko who has fought to overthrow the BDP for thirtyyears in opposition politics as an example of democracy in action.He told the independent Mmegi newspaper, “What has happened today takes ourdemocracy to a higher level. It now means we have seen a successful, peaceful, orderlydemocratic transition from one regime to the next and this happened in full view of everycitizen of this country with their full participation and endorsement.”Masisi, a 63 year old who was elected in 2018 and had been optimistic about winning asecond term has suffered a serious setback with the BDP’s loss.Masisi stated, “We got it wrong big time in the eyes of the people. We were really convincedof our message. But every indication, by any measure, is that there’s no way that I canpretend that we’re going to form a government. I will respectfully step aside and participate ina smooth and transparent transition process ahead of inauguration.”

PoliticsNovember 4, 2024