Mali Junta stands with Niger's Coup leaders and warns against foreign intervention.

Mali Junta stands with Niger’s Coup leaders and warns against foreign intervention.

Last updated on August 3rd, 2023 at 01:57 am

Mali’s military junta announced on Monday that they will continue to back the leaders of the coup that took place in Niamey. This decision is being interpreted as a strategic method to defend the recent change of government in Niger. Mali has stated that they stand with Burkina Faso to defend Niger and have further warned that any foreign military action in Niamey will be regarded as a declaration of war on both states along with Niger.

“I warn that any military intervention against Niger will be considered a declaration of war against Burkina Faso and Mali,” announces Col. Abdoulaye Maiga, State Minister for Territorial Administration and Decentralization for the Mali junta.

In response to the summit’s conclusion, the regional organisation ECOWAS issued the proclamation. At the summit, the leaders of the coup in Niger were given a deadline of seven days to free the arrested president, Mohamed Barzoum, and restore civilian rule, or else they would face consequences, including the possibility of military force. Mali has further denounced what it sees as illegitimate sanctions levied by the ECOWAS organisation against the three nations.

“The transitional governments of Burkina Faso and Mali, One, have declared their fraternal solidarity of the people of Mali and Burkina Faso with their brothers in Niger, who have decided of their own accord to take their fate in their own hands and to assume their sovereignty.” “The people of Mali and Burkina Faso have also expressed their support for their brothers in Niger. Two: Raise your voice against the determination of regional organisations to continue imposing sanctions that make the plight of the populace worse and put the ideals of pan-Africanism in jeopardy. Three: Refuse to implement these illegal, unjust, and barbaric sanctions against the people of Niger and their government, as stated by Colonel Abdoulaye Maiga.

Col. Abdoulaye Maiga, the state minister for territorial administration and decentralisation for the Mali junta, made this announcement. He made his remarks on the ORTM state television network. Since 2020, there have been nine successful or attempted coups in the countries of West and Central Africa, which are under military rule.

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