As of September 1st 2024, there were around 36.8 million Moroccans. The governmentspokeswoman revealed the figure on Thursday, November 7th.Spokesman Mustapha Baitas told reporters that the Moroccan population has increased by 2.98million or 8.8% since the country’s last census in 2014.He was speaking after a cabinet meeting in which the interior minister presented a draft bill thatwould define the Moroccan population nationwide based on the results of the country’sSeptember national census.According to the interior minister, there were 9.27 million households this year jumping 1.96million from 2014. Also the country’s foreign population grew by 71.8% to 148,152.In September the kingdom of North Africa held its seventh census. Authorities thought that thisaction would help in the development of informed local and national policy.The second most populated country in the Maghreb is Morocco. Morocco saw economic growththroughout that time which was reflected in improved Human Development ratings.Fertility was 2.3 children per adult woman in 2011 down from 5.5 in the three decades beforethat, according to the most current UNDP assessment on this topic that focused on Morocco.Following the publication of the above draft in the national gazette, the High Commission forPlanning (HCP) will provide additional information regarding the census.

FeaturedNovember 8, 2024