nigerian youths protesting around the city about end sars, end bad government, end police brutality in nigeria

Nigerian police arrest anti-SARS protesters

Last updated on September 11th, 2021 at 08:00 am

Police in Nigeria have arrested protest in Lagos, Nigeria on Saturday after they tried to hold a rally demanding justice for the victims shot during a protest last year against SARS police group. Protesters refuses reopening of the Legki tollgate, where security forces shot dead protesters in October last year, which became the epicenter of the #EndSARS movement.

What is the SARS group, which has caused concern among Nigerians?

This group is a Special Police Unit, specifically they are Anti-robbery Squad. According to Nigerian media, the group was formed in 1984 to fight the spread of violent crimes including robbery, carjacking and kidnapping.

The group has expressed serious concerns about human rights abuses, including killings, beatings and arbitrary arrests. Many have accused the group of being a criminal group using police force immunity and failing to hold the government accountable.

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Police have arrested many civilian protesters and activists on issues such as Jay D Boy who is an art. “I didn’t bring any weapons here, I just want to protest,” Jay said. I came here to defend human rights. ”

 He added, “Even those police officers today, they know. They know that these things are not going well in the country. Three of my friends were killed here last year. We are not hearing about this, this is not a crime.”  This has caused great concern to Nigerians who see this group as another legitimate gang and international calls have been made by many world-renowned human right individuals and organizations.

Police bundled about 17 protesters moved to a dark past, while some others shouting “End SARS”. People chanted slogans against the SARS group and the killings of young protesters last year.

Many peopleseethe reopening ofthe siteis nota good time totakethatinto consideration, to thevictimskilled inthe shootingatLekki.A main road inthe center ofthetrain stationloogamovementprotestsagainstthe brutalpoliceunitSARS,peopleopposedtothe sitere-opened.