
Opposition Members Condemns A Surge Of Arrests In Guinea

Last updated on September 11th, 2021 at 08:16 am

Opposition members has complained about the surge in arrest in the country. The government authorities has denied the skyrocketing rate of arrest, ever since the conclusion of the election where incumbent President Alpha Conde won the re-election for a third term, there has been serious unrest in Guinea.

At a public interview on Thursday, resistance pioneer Cellou Diallo required their prompt delivery.

The captures came after President Alpha Conde, 82, won a disputable third term in the wake of garnish an October 18 survey with 59.5 percent of the votes.

The nation slipped into viciousness in the repercussions of the survey, when UFDG pioneer Cellou Dalein Diallo, 68, broadcasted himself successful and claimed elector extortion.

The opposition has reiterated the constitutional rights of citizens in the country, they are pleading with intertional organization to look into the rate of arrest in Guinea as it as skyrocketed in recent times.