
Nigeria: 14 Murdered By Boko Haram In Borno

Boko Haram terrorist crew murdered 14 farmers in an attack in northeastern Nigeria, local media suggested Tuesday.  The terrorists seized 15 famers working in their fields in Ngwom village, placed 14 kilometers (nine miles) north…

Boko Haram kills 75 elders overnight in Nigeria

Nigeria: Boko Haram kills 75 elders overnight

Boko Haram insurgents killed more than 70 participants of a neighborhood in a single day in northeastern Nigeria, nearby media said Wednesday. Ali Ndume, a senator and chairman of the Senate Committee on the Army,…

Nigeria: 600 Boko Haram members released

Nigeria: 600 Boko Haram members released

Some 600 Boko Haram members were freed in Nigeria on Monday after they regretted their membership and completed a rehabilitation and reintegration program. Bamidele Shafa, spokesperson for the Nigerian military’s Operation Safe Corridor, said members…

Muhammadu Buhari expressing shock on death in borno

Breaking: Buhari Expresses Shock as Death Toll in…

Omololu Ogunmade, Kingsley Nwezeh, Udora Orizu in Abuja, Micheal Olugbode in Maiduguri and Francis Sardauna in Katsina. President Muhammadu Buhari wednesday expressed shock over Tuesday’s deadly terror attack on a village in Borno State, whose…