China strongly condemns U.S. bill on HKSAR

The World: China strongly condemns U.S. bill on…

China strongly opposes and condemns U.S. President Donald Trump's signing of the so-called "Hong Kong Autonomy Act," China's Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Wednesday. This U.S. move has grossly interfered in China's internal…

OIC condemns terrorist attacks in Somalia, Mali

NEWS: OIC condemns terrorist attacks in Somalia, Mali

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation’s (OIC) general secretariat strongly condemned a suicide attack in Mogadishu and a terrorist bombing in Baidoa in Somalia that resulted in deaths and injuries, the Saudi Press Agency reported. The…

Ramaphosa condemns surge in violence against women

South Africa: Ramaphosa condemns surge in violence against…

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa has condemned as “inhumane acts” the violence against women which, according to police, have skyrocketed since the relaxation of the containment in his country, the most affected by the coronavirus…