Docks of hippos at risk in Namibia 's dried-up water hole

Docks of hippos at risk in Namibia ‘s…

Dozens of hippopotamuses are caught in a shrinking pool of mud and water in a recreation reserve in Namibia and are at risk of dying of hunger and thirst, the Daily News online booklet mentioned…

Tourism decline hampers wildlife in Kenya

Tourism Decline Hampers Wildlife In Kenya

A reserve home to orphaned baby elephants in Kenya. In the absence of their mothers, the baby elephants rely on human care to survive. A rather expensive daily ration that park managers try to support…

Lions on the loose

Wildlife: Four lions on the loose in Limpopo

Limpopo police on Tuesday warned residents to be on the alert for four lions on the loose in the Alldays area. Initially, seven lions escaped from a safari, but three have since been captured. The…


Wild animals facing malnutrition in Kenya museums

The restrictions on movement of people due to the Covid-19 pandemic have seen fewer people visiting Kenya's parks and the National Museums of Kenya, resulting in reduced earnings from gate collections. Now the animals under…



South Africa is turning towards the implementation of new laws that fully allows the economic exploitation of wildlife. The intention is to market the use of all kinds of wild species, including giraffes, zebras, emu,…


White giraffes killed in Kenya

Rangers had found the remains of the female and her calf in a village in north-eastern Kenya's Garissa County. A third white giraffe is alive. It is thought to be the only remaining one in…

Botswana Hosts Crucial Elephant Summit

The elephant summit scheduled for May 7 will assist authorities to refine the decision on the hunting ban, the government has said. Angola, Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe, which also have the largest number of elephants…