Harare City Council Supplied With Wrong Bin Trucks

Harare City Council (HCC) is reportedly weighing its legal option after FAW Zimbabwe supplied the local authority with single instead of double skip bin carriers it had ordered. Council Environmental Management Committee minutes recommended the…

Chamisa Says Sikhala Means No Harm & Loves…

MDC president, Nelson Chamisa, has come out in defence of party vice-chairperson Job Sikhala who is facing treason charges. According to a report, Sikhala becomes the 14th person to be charged with treason in 2019…

Zimbabwe CEO

Zimbabwe requires at least US$14m per month to…

Zimbabwe requires at least US$14m a month to meet its 600MW power deficit, acting chief executive officer of the country's power utility Patrick Chivaura said Monday. Zimbabwean president Emmerson Mnangagwa has since engaged his South…