Algeria Protest

Thousands of Algerians have staged protests against the announced legislative elections

Last updated on September 11th, 2021 at 08:00 am

Thousands protested in Algiers on Friday. Demonstrators are protesting the legislative elections announced the day before, as the weekly rallies of the Hirak democratic uprising movement intensify. Protesters chanted slogans against the election, accusing the government of manipulating the election process.

Protesters have defied a coronavirus ban imposed on rallies by rallies in various parts of the capital, gathering at the central post office, a symbol of the Hirak movement, according to AFP reporters.

Despite restrictions on corona virus infection, protesters ignored a coronavirus ban imposed on rallies in various parts of the capital, at the central post office, at a rally. Hirak movement, according to AFP reporters.

On the other hand, President Abdelmadjid Tebboune on Thursday issued an order for June 12th to be the first legislative session, after dissolving parliament last month. “To protect itself, the system says: the legislature (elections),” it posted on Friday.

The Hirak movement erupted in February 2019 in anger at then-president AbdelazizBouteflika for a fifth term in office.

The ill-fated man was forced to resign weeks later, but the movement continued into protests, demanding a major overhaul of the ruling system since Algeria gained independence from France in 1962.

People also took to the streets in other parts of the country, including northwestern Oran, central TiziOuzou and eastern Annaba. The CNLD’s prisoner rights group said protesters had been arrested in TiziOuzou, without providing further details.

Several women activists and journalists were also attacked by a gang in looga called “baltaguis” in the name of work, CNLD said.