tunisia presidents chief of staff resigns over fundamental differences

Tunisia president’s chief of staff resigns over fundamental differences

Last updated on January 26th, 2022 at 10:27 am

 Tunisia Tunisia Tunisia is witnessing one of the worst climates of political turmoil in recent years. Post Arab Spring, it seemed a democratic flavor had arrived in the country but unfortunately circumstances made it impossible for it to flourish.

Adding another setback in the already struggling political sphere, President Kais Saied’s chief of staff, Nadia Akacha, announced her resignation from the post on Monday. She said that there are some fundamental disagreements with the policies that the president is looking to implement.

She took to Facebook to announce her exit. She said, “Today, I decided to submit my resignation to the president of the republic from the position of chief of staff, after two years of service.” She added that because of the presence of some of the disagreements, it is her duty to withdraw from her position.

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As per some inside sources and a London-based news outlet Arabi21, it is because of army chief of staff Mohamed El Ghoul that she has taken this call.

He had reportedly rejected her request to make an arrest of parliament speaker and Ennahda party leader Rached Ghannouchi because of their acts which were allegedly against the nation’s interest. This move further highlights how messed up the situation is in the country when it comes to politics. Major concerns arose when Saied had seized power in July announcing that he will be suspending parliament henceforth till elections.