
US: Congress Reassemble To Tally Electoral College Votes

Last updated on September 11th, 2021 at 08:09 am

Political supporters of Donald Trump are set to follow through on their promise of promise of objecting any form of irregularities in the recent run-off election. There were series of confusion in the United States of America yesterday, which affected television program in the country.

Trump prior blended the pot during a close by convention with his allies only hours before the Capitol was invaded, disclosing to them he would “never yield” rout, charging there was “robbery included.”

“Our nation has had enough, and we won’t tolerate it any longer,” he told a mass social affair of individuals, large numbers of whom probably later overwhelmed the Capitol. “We will stop the take.”

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said Trump “bears a lot of the fault” for the turmoil and gore.