airtel to rollout more 5g sites across nigeria

Airtel To Rollout More 5G Sites Across Nigeria

Last updated on November 20th, 2023 at 04:59 pm

Airtel Nigeria – the leading provider of prepaid, postpaid mobile, & 4G services in the country – has reiterated its commitment to boosting Fifth Generation Network (5G) connectivity across Nigeria.

Airtel has also planned to roll out more 5G sites across Nigeria. Currently, Airtel has over 200 5G Sites across Lagos, Rivers, Ogun and the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja. 

Ismail Adeshina, Airtel Nigeria director of Marketing, has said that the second largest provider of mobile telephony is investing heavily in 5G infrastructure in Nigeria. The investment will help to boost 5G towers, base stations and spectrum licenses.

Airtel Nigeria director of Marketing said, “Airtel is investing heavily in 5G infrastructure, including towers, base stations, and spectrum licenses, to provide widespread 5G coverage across Nigeria.”

5G in Nigeria

Airtel has collaborated with technology partners, device manufacturers, and local businesses in Nigeria to explore and develop innovative 5G use cases and provide 5G coverage across the country.

Femi Adeniran – the director, Corporate Communications and CSR, Airtel Nigeria – lauded the activities of Airtel Nigeria. The director of Airtel Business, Ogo Ofomata, said that Airtel Business would provide data and cloud management solutions to both SMEs and government agencies in Nigeria. 

Head of B2B Sales, Smartcash PSB, Judith Osiobe, lauded the service provided by Airtel in Nigeria. Judith Osiobe said, “We are also proud to say that we have the best and cheapest rate in the market when it comes to sorting utility bills on our payment service app.”

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Where can I get 5G service in Nigeria?

Airtel Nigeria has launched 5G technology in Lagos, Rivers, Ogun, and Abuja, with over 200 5G sites.

Will the deployment of 5G impact the existing 4G network in Nigeria?

No, the deployment of 5G technology will not affect the 4G network in Nigeria.

Does Airtel support 2G, 3G, and 4G?

Airtel currently supports 2G, 3G, and 4G connectivity.

How is Airtel Nigeria collaborating with partners to develop 5G use cases?

Airtel Nigeria is actively working with technology partners, device manufacturers, and local businesses to expand 5G services in Nigeria.