Cameroon: Israeli Experts Drill Health Personnel on Emergency Surgery

Health personnel across the country have received advanced techniques on emergency surgery from a visiting team of Israeli doctors to Cameroon.
For three days, the team comprised of ten of Israel’s top surgeons were at the Yaounde Central hospital to drill medical personnel drawn from the four corners of the country on the various aspects of surgery.
“I have how to learnt alot how to manage surgical cases in emergency, how to take care of patients from mass catastrophes and equally improved some skills on basic surgery,” Romeo Anoua, an Anaethesist from Bangangte who was part of the three-day training.
“We think that this is very important because the seminar included not just doctors and surgeons from Yaounde but from all over the country, including the (Far) North, the South West and the North West (regions),” Isareli Ambasssador to Cameroon Ran Gidor said.”
” As well all know Cameroon is struggling with several crises, so at this point in time, training Cameroonian surgeons in emergency surgery is highly important in saving lives,”the Ambassador added.
The trainining that ran from the 16-18 is just the first phase as the Israeli Ambassador announced some of the trainees will be invited over to Israel for further training while the team of Israeli experts will be brought over again for another few months.