
COVID-19: Government Authorities Criticizes European Beachgoers In South Africa

Last updated on September 11th, 2021 at 08:09 am

The government authorities in South Africa has condemned European beachgoers for going against the lockdown imposed by the government of the country. The incident happened in western cape of South Africa, security forces has also condemned this lackadaisical attitude from the beachgoers.

South Africa shut numerous sea shores, prohibited liquor deals, made face veil wearing obligatory and forced a check in time in December after a flood in COVID-19 cases.

Cele said police had gotten protests about rebelliousness with respect to sea shores and that a couple of surfers were captured, some of them were European nationals.

“What truly disturbs about those individuals is that they are far off nationals – the vast majority of them come from Europe and their sea shores are shut.