Peace meeting

Ethiopian: Abiy Ahmed Set To Meet AU Mediation Group

Last updated on September 11th, 2021 at 08:14 am

Ethiopia’s Prime minister, Abiy Ahmed is set to meet with the African Union (AU) mediation group so has to discuss the critical matter of the ongoing dispute with the Tigrayan region, this dispute has been going on for quite a while.

An assertion gave from the PM’s office said Abiy offered his significant thanks to AU Chairperson Ramaphosa for the most extreme concern and understanding partook in Ethiopia’s endeavors “to end exemption and deal with the TPLF criminal inner circle”.

Then, the Ethiopian National Defense Forces reported on Friday they had assumed responsibility for “key situations” around Mekelle, the local capital of Tigray, that would empower them “to hold onto individuals from the TPLF junta”.

The continent of Africa will be awaiting the outcome of this meeting, so that peace can reign in Ethiopia and most importantly refugees from Ethiopia would return home.