guineas new pm mohamed beavogui promises to serve the nation with honour and dignity

Guinea’s new PM Mohamed Béavogui promises to serve the nation with honour and dignity

President Colonel Mamady Doumbouya has appointed Mohamed Béavogui as the new PM of Guinea. He promised to serve his nation with honour and dignity. 

While taking the oath, Béavogui said, “The significant thing, indeed, is to form the basis for change. The proper administration and justice system are needed to improve the political conditions and that the most suitable candidate wins the polls. As the President said, we are here to create better conditions, serve and take an exit.” 

Béavogui has completed engineering from the Leningrad Polytechnic University in Saint Petersburg, Russia. He also owns a degree from the Kennedy School of Governance at Harvard University in the US. 

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The Son of a former ambassador, Béavogui, is a development expert and has worked with the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS), Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), and International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). He also served as the United Nations Assistant Secretary-General, Climate Risk Management. 

His appointment as PM denotes the satisfaction of a significant guarantee by the junta as contained in a transition charter published toward the end of last month, which involves the future of the nation’s return to democracy.

As a leader, Béavogui will be at the top of the transitional government, which will guide the nation towards the civilian rule. He will be accountable for regulating local, legislative, and presidential polls on a day that is yet to be decided.

The junta government has been feeling the squeeze by the global community, especially the African Union and Economic Community of West African States, to return the nation towards democracy.