how uae sudan bilateral relations are set for a deeper commitment

How UAE-Sudan bilateral relations are set for a deeper commitment

The bilateral relations between the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and the Republic of Sudan have increased in recent years. The two countries have advanced cooperation at various levels. The UAE and Sudan always exchange views on regional and international developments.

The UAE has long expended humanitarian efforts in Sudan, highlighting the deep relations between the UAE and Sudan. The UAE is also one of the largest contributors to humanitarian efforts in Sudan.

UAE’s Aid to Sudan

In 2022, when the flood caused havoc in Sudan, the UAE was among the first country to help Sudan. The President of the UAE, His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan,  ordered the provision of AED 25 million of urgent aid to help flood victims in Sudan. The UAE established three camps in the affected villages in Sudan in order to provide urgent aid to more than 140,000 flood victims.

Under the direction of the UAE president, the Emirates Red Crescent (ERC) field teams started operating an air bridge to Khartoum to transport large quantities of urgent humanitarian relief aid to people impacted by the flood. The UAE’s aid helped people affected and displaced by the torrential rains and floods. 

In 2020, the UAE offered over 80 tonnes of medical supplies to Sudan to fight COVID-19. The UAE sent seven tons of medical supplies to Sudan to help medical professionals fight COVID-19. 

The UAE and Sudan review bilateral relations

In March 2022, the UAE and Sudan discussed the prospects of developing their bilateral relations at various levels. The UAE and Sudanese leaders discussed potential opportunities to expand collaboration between the two nations. 

In 2022, the UAE also renewed its commitment to support the efforts of the African Union (AU) to resolve the dispute between Sudan, Ethiopia and Egypt over the GERD (Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam Agreement) and the exploitation of the Nile River issue. 

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Egypt and Sudan wanted to reach a binding legal agreement over issues related to the filling and operation of the GERD on the Nile River. The UAE has always put efforts to resolve disputes and establish peace in the region.

Earlier this year, the UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation reiterated the UAE’s keenness for a peaceful political transition in Sudan. The UAE reiterated its support for democratic transition and economic reforms in Sudan.

Cooperation between Sudan and the UAE

Last year, Ali Al-Sadiq, Sudan’s Acting Foreign Minister, said that the UAE and Sudan agreed to establish strategic economic partnerships in the fields of roads, ports and railways. The two countries also agreed on military cooperation. 

In December 2022, Sudan signed a $6 billion agreement with a consortium led by the UAE’s AD Ports Group and Invictus Investment for the establishment of a new port and economic zone in the Red Sea in order to boost the national economy.