ivory coast blinken announces 45 million funding for stability

Ivory Coast: Blinken Announces $45 Million Funding for Stability

Antony Blinken, US Secretary of State, Arrives in Ivory Coast After Cape Verde Visit

Antony Blinken, the head of American diplomacy, made a stopover in Cape Verde before arriving in Ivory Coast on Monday to attend a meeting between Ivory Coast and Equatorial Guinea. On Tuesday, he was received by Ivorian President Alassane Ouattara, where they discussed bilateral relations between the United States and Ivory Coast. During a press conference, Blinken commended Ivory Coast for its leadership in combating terrorism and violence and announced $45 million in funding for the country’s security efforts.

“We greatly appreciate Ivory Coast’s leadership in countering extremism and violence. As part of the United States’ strategy for conflict prevention and stability promotion in West African coastal states, we are announcing $45 billion in new funding. This investment brings the United States’ total investment in stability assistance in West Africa to nearly $300 billion over the past two years. We are also actively supporting the enhancement of Ivory Coast’s security capabilities, including a significant increase in military training and investments in civilian forces,” stated Blinken.

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President Ouattara emphasized the “convergence of views” regarding the sub-region, particularly the progress toward democracy in certain countries, such as Mali, Burkina Faso, and Niger, which have transitioned from military regimes. The United States has expressed its support for free and fair elections in Ivory Coast in 2025.

Antony Blinken’s visit is part of a larger African tour that includes Cape Verde, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, and Angola, aimed at strengthening America’s economic and security partnership with the continent during a period of regional and international challenges.

This visit follows the recent African tour of Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, who highlighted the increased trade between China and the “homeland of true brotherhood.”