moroccan fruit and berry exports to reach us7 1 billion in 2018 2022

Moroccan fruit and berry exports to reach US$7.1 billion in 2018-2022

Spain is the biggest importer. It accounts for about 27% of Morocco’s total exports in the past five years. However, in 2022, the kingdom was the fourth largest supplier of fruits and berries to Spain with the share of 15% in Spain’s total imports. ‘East Fruit’ also noted that revenues from Moroccan exports to Spain fell by 23% compared to 2021.

In 2022, the North African country was the fourth biggest exporter of blueberries globally, behind Spain which ranked third. In 2022, the share of Morocco in France’s total imports of fruits and berries reached 6%, making the North African country the fifth largest supplier of fruits and berries to the European country, with the most active demand shown for Moroccan watermelons, melons, mandarins, avocado, raspberries, and blueberries. The Netherlands accounts for 17% of Morocco’s total revenues from fruit and berry exports believed to amount to $1.2 billion. Over the past five years, Morocco’s share in the Russian market has more than halved, and exports in 2022 amounted just to half of those in 2018, the media notes.

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UK on the other, emerged as the most attractive market for Morocco’s exports of fruit and berry over 2018-2022 period. The share of Morocco grew six folds, exports to the UK quintupled, and Morocco ranked fifth in the list of the UK’s biggest suppliers of fruits and berries, the outlet notes.