NEWS: Seven Children Buried In Cameroon

Last updated on September 11th, 2021 at 08:16 am

It was a sad day for the citizens of Cameroon, as the remains of the seven kids who were brutally shot and murdered in a gun attack at a Kumba school were laid to rest. The kids were shot last week by armed men.

This burial service comes just a short time after an assault on a school in Limbe that saw the two understudies and educators stripped exposed, attacked and have their homerooms set ablaze.

Ernestine Atchobi, an inhabitant of Kumba, is distressed and needs answers, “I’m exceptionally miserable to see these bodies lying in these final resting place.

There’s an ongoing investigation as regards who orchestrated and perpetrated these crimes which led to the death of seven Innocent kids. The Cameroonian Government has vowed to get justice for the family of the victims.