saving lives is the coastguards priority in tunisia

“Saving lives” is the coastguard’s “priority” in Tunisia

Tunisia has become a hub for illegal immigration to Europe. According to Italian statistics, almost 94,000 migrants have arrived on Italian shores since the beginning of the year, more than double the figure recorded for the same period in 2022, from Tunisia and Libya.

Since the beginning of the month until today, in just ten days, the centre’s maritime sector has arrested around 3,000 migrants, 90% of whom are sub-Saharan and the remaining 10% Tunisian”, said Mouhamed Borhen Chamtouri, commander of the Tunisian coastguard.

In mid-July, Tunisia signed a “strategic partnership” with the European Union to combat immigration. The agreement includes a budget of €105 million for the North African country, which is experiencing financial difficulties.

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Hundreds of Africans from Sfax, Tunisia’s second largest city, have been deported to the desert.

“Our first priority is to save human lives. There is no doubt about that. You have seen that over the last 24 hours we have carried out several rescue operations. There have been three boats that have broken down, whose passengers have been rescued, and rescue operations have not been easy for us,” explains Mouhamed Borhen Chamtouri, commander of the Tunisian coastguard.

Last weekend, a shipwreck off the coast of Sfax left at least 11 people dead and 44 missing. Since the beginning of July, Tunisia has welcomed