
Bomb Attack Causes multiple Casualties Among Troops from…

An explosion hit a military armored convoy in the Sinai Peninsula Thursday, causing at least 10 casualties among soldiers who are participating in a campaign against extremists in the region, Egyptian authorities reported. Military spokesman…


DR Congo: 12 Rangers Among 17 Killed in…

At least 17 people, including 12 rangers were killed Friday in an attack in Virunga National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage site in the restive east of the Democratic Republic of Congo, an official said.…


Presidency replies Soyinka for attacking Buhari

The presidency has replied Nobel laureate, Prof. Wole Soyinka over his comment that the declaration of total lockdown in Lagos and Ogun by President Muhammadu Buhari was illegal. The presidency, in a statement issued by…


Al-Shabaab attack in Mogadishu claims two lives

A Somali police officer says a suicide bomber has walked into a tea shop in Somalia’s capital and detonated, killing at least two people. Capt. Mohamed Hussein says the bomber, posing as a pedestrian, entered…


Cameroon’s far north sees upsurge in armed attacks

There’s an upsurge in armed attacks in Cameroon’s far north region, security officers said. The village of Ouzal is the target of a spate of Boko Haram attacks this week, which left 3 civilians dead.…

Al-Shabab attack

10 Somali Soldiers, 16 Militants Killed in Al-Shabab…

At least 10 Somali government soldiers and 16 militants were killed Wednesday when Islamist group al-Shabab attacked two military bases in Somalia's Lower Shabelle region. The first attack at Qoryooley town, about 95 km south…