Guinea commemorates September 28 massacres

NEWS: Guinea remembers September 28 massacres

Guinea commemorate the September 28 massacres. On Sept. 28, 2009, the Guinean Security Forces attacked its very own populace at some point of a giant pro-democratic protest in a stadium in Conakry, the capital. The political…

Ten soldiers killed In central Mali attack

Ten soldiers murdered In central Mali attack

At least 10 Malian soldiers have been killed in an overnight ambush in a central area close to the Mauritania border the place armed terrorists are rampant, safety and neighborhood sources stated on Friday. 10…

DRC: CODECO agrees to ceasefire

DRC: CODECO agrees to ceasefire

An armed group in the Democratic Republic of Congo has declared a unilateral ceasefire. The Co-operative for the Development of Congo, or CODECO, has been condemned by the UN for massacres akin to crimes against…

24 shot to death in attack on drug rehab center in Mexico

The World: 24 shot to death in attack…

Gunmen burst into an unregistered drug rehabilitation center in central Mexico and opened fire Wednesday, killing 24 people and wounding seven, authorities said. Police in the north-central state of Guanajuato said the attack occurred in…

Killings in central Mali

Twenty-six killed in central Mali

Twenty-six people were killed in an attack on a village in central Mali, officials said Saturday, in the latest violence to hit the West African nation. Friday's attack targeted a Fulani village named Binedama in…

Justice yet to be delivered in Sudan

Politics: Justice Yet to Be Delivered One Year…

Thousands chanted anti-military slogans Wednesday to demand justice, freedom, full civilian rule for Sudan and to call for the perpetrators of the mass killing to be held accountable. Sudanese protesters who helped bring down former…

Bomb explosion

Five killed in Eid Al Fitr bomb explosion…

At least five people were killed and more than 20 wounded on Sunday after a bomb exploded during Eid Al Fitr celebrations in Somalia. The explosion was caused by a bomb in Baidoa, 250 kilometres…

Police violence

Cameroon admits army massacred innocent civilians

Cameroon’s President Paul Biya has acknowledged that the military massacred innocent people, including women and children, in a northwestern village in February after the government first denied it. “The corpses of the three women and…


Cameroon army explains massacre in Anglophone region

Cameroon’s army on Monday explained the incident in which 22 civilians were killed in the Northwest region, described it as an “unfortunate accident” caused by an explosion of fuel during a firefight. Opposition parties had…