US Warns Farmajo And Requests To Cancel The Extension

US Warns Farmajo And Requests To Cancel The Extension

Last updated on September 11th, 2021 at 07:58 am

The United States has called on President Farmajo and the House of Representatives to immediately repeal the April 12 extension law.

A statement from the State Department said, “The United States acknowledges President Farmajo’s commitment on April 28 to rescind the September 17 agreement and resume talks with state leaders immediately. We call on the president and parliament to act swiftly to repeal the April 12 extension. “

The United States has welcomed and commended Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble and leaders of the administration for rejecting the extension.

The statement said: “We urge the Heads of State and Government of the Federal Republic of Somalia to convene as soon as possible to finalize the agreed-upon electoral process and hold parliamentary and presidential elections as soon as possible based on the September 17 agreement. ”

The United States has called on political leaders to put aside their political ambitions and differences for the sake of Somalis, and to negotiate honestly and unconditionally.

Finally, the United States calls on Somali forces and other armed groups to withdraw and allow political talks to resume in a climate free of violence and intimidation.

“Continued violence will only serve to worsen the situation for the Somali people,” the statement said.

However, it seems that when Farmajo is alone, everyone is on his side. It was opposed by the leaders of Galmudug and Hirshabele administrations Qoorqoor and Gudlawe who initially supported the extension but now oppose Farmajo’s dictatorial ambitions.