algeria demands for total respect from paris as they reduce number of algerian visas

Algeria demands for total respect from Paris as they reduce number of Algerian Visas

 Algeria Algeria – In the heated conversation between Presidents of Algeria and France, Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune has affirmed that the return of the country’s Ambassador to France could be conditional on total respect from Paris to the North African nation.

Tebboune asserted that we can’t act as if nothing happened and they are firm that ambassadors will return to Paris if they receive the respect they deserve.

It has been made clear that France is willing to show complete respect to Algeria, following a row over visas and critical comments attributed to President Macron.

This issue is airing in the tense heat over envoy to Paris last week, which in turn banned French military planes from its airspace. The moves came after a bitter row over visas, and comments attributed to Emmanuel Macron that Algeria’s rulers had rewritten the history of colonization based on a hatred of France.

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Amidst the tensions between Paris and Algiers, the French government also ruled to reduce the number of visas provided to Algerian officials by 50 percent. The Algerian Foreign Ministry demanded explanations from the French Ambassador to Algiers on this stern and impactful action, as it will hurt their economy by many folds.

As the relations between two countries are spiraling down, President Macron mentioned in a recent radio interview that he hoped diplomatic tensions with Algeria would soon ease, telling France that he had truly cordial relations previously with the Algerian president. Analysts believe that the latest French decision comes within the framework of bargaining by Paris towards Algeria. This lays significance since economic and political considerations have surfaced recently. Also, throwing light at French elections scheduled in 2022, President Emmanuel Macron is making an attempt to win the favor of the extreme right.