germany finalizes the documents to sum up its relations with morocco

Germany finalizes the documents to sum up its…

Germany - The two different stands taken by Morocco and Germany have made their diplomatic bond weak with every passing day. Given their fair share of differences, Germany has decided to prepare a ‘solemn declaration’…

libya lawmakers criticize election commission

Libya lawmakers criticize election commission

Libya - Some of the pro-Haftar Libyan officials have shown their disappointment toward the country’s election commissions as well as the judicial poll supervisors. As per a report, the Libyan lawmakers have advised above officials…

as gambians vote in the presidential election there are mixed views

As Gambians vote in the presidential election, there…

Gambia - In Saturday's presidential election, Gambians are hoping for the better, with some celebrating the country's current condition and others voicing unhappiness. One voter expressed it this way: "Because the Gambian people are suffering,…