The United Nations Resident Coordinator to Cameroon, Ms. Allegra Baiocchi, has thanked the Secretary General of the Norwegian Refugee Council, Jan Egeland, for his continuous advocacy on the dying needs of Cameroonian refugees in Nigeria.
Jan Egeland, head of the world’s leading humanitarian agencies, issued a warning on Wednesday, raising an alarm on the lack of funding for global humanitarian crises, quoting Cameroon as the most critically unfunded crisis in the world.
Ms. Allegra complimented the agency’s stance on Cameroon, despite the fact that Cameroonian authorities have on several occasions said they could manage the crisis, and accused humanitarian agencies of exaggerating numbers of affected persons.
“Let’s not be fooled into believing that the amount needed is too high…It is a question of priorities. The crisis in Cameroon is among the most critically under-funded, with less than 20% “, tweeted Ms Allegra
Mr Egeland has on several outings, called for an international reaction towards the needs of persons affected by the crisis. His new report on the world published in the Guardian UK, is part of his agency’s mission to make life better for refugees.
He noted that halfway through the current funding year, humanitarian organisations had received less than a third of money – 27% – needed to provide relief to people affected by crises worldwide.
“The current lack of funding is alarming. Despite increasing needs, substantially less money is available for humanitarian assistance compared with the same period last year…We are deeply concerned for those people already feeling the hard consequences of cuts.”, he said.